2024-25 National Performing Arts High School Jazz Forum with Dr. JB Dyas Are you a student, a parent/guardian or an instructor?* Student Parent/Guardian Instructor How old are you?*First Name* Last Name* Email (for Zoom Registration)* Please enter the email you want to use to register for the Zoom Meeting.Contact Email* Please enter an email at which we can contact youYour minor child's first name* Your minor child's last name* Your minor child's instrument* Instrument* What grade is your minor child in?* What grade are you in?*What is the name of your minor child's school?* What is the name of your school?* Consent* By checking the box above, I acknowledge that the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz (“HHIJ”) is capturing videos and photographs of its National Performing Arts High School Jazz Forum with Dr. JB Dyas (“Forum”), to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes on platforms including its YouTube Channel, website and social media platforms. I, on behalf of myself and/or on behalf of my minor child/ward (collectively, “Participant”), hereby grant to HHIJ the right to use photographs, audio recordings, video recordings and other reproductions (“Recordings”) of Participant’s involvement in the Forum for non-commercial, educational purposes and to promote HHIJ’s free, public school-based educational programming. I further grant to HHIJ the right to use and publish Participant’s first name, picture, voice and image in connection with their participation in the use of the Recordings. I certify that I am over the age of 18 OR if Participant is under the age of 18 – I, parent/guardian, give consent for the Recordings of my child/ward to be used as described above.Your response indicates that you are under 18, and need to have a parent/legal guardian complete this form in order to participate in this program. Please send this form to your parent/guardian and ask them to fill it out and submit it.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ